A headshot of Chris is shown on a light gray background. Mitcham is wearing a black crew neck shirt.
Sep 2018

Electrical Engineer Mitcham Tuell

Mitcham Tuell has joined Daedalus as an electrical engineer.

Hailing from a small town in Georgia, Mitcham graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in December 2017, with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, he spent several months leading business and product development as the CEO of Oddity Instruments, a music technology company he co-founded through Georgia Tech's Create-X startup incubator.

In the Fall of 2018, following a nationwide search for a top-notch firm where he could hone his design skills, Mitcham left Atlanta for Pittsburgh and his first (self-described) "real job" with Daedalus.

In his free time Mitcham is an avid musician, photographer, and maker, who enjoys being outside, riding bikes and gardening.